Ossie was blessed with 8 God Parents, Sara, Nikki and Laura who are now part of the devoted committee that has been driving this charity forward since January 2016. Sara had organised a wrestling match as a birthday present for Ossie's 10th birthday. When came to realise we could save Ossie and pay for laser treatment in America, we made this event our first fundraiser. Nick the wrestler (Sara's neighbour) invited the famous Knight family from Norwich to perform in a match with other local wrestlers for Ossie. It was a night to remember! When the Knight family arrived, they facetimed the renowned WWE wrestler Paige in America to talk to Ossie.
Laura & Kate set up the next big event – The Ossie Fest and invited The DJ Brandon Block to play for us amongst some other incredibly talented performers. This is when the charity really took off and everyone was reaching out to help.
We had around 12 committee members back in 2016 each with their own ideas on how to raise funds, from Kate donating her Barber Shop profit to a fun summer fete at Laura’s work. Nikki used her boxing contacts to organise another fantastic event which ended with Ossie being showered with so many gifts, he was truly spoilt.
We have a strong committee team with grandparents from both families playing a massive part with Nanny Lyn as our treasurer and the professional business minds of Nanny Sue & Grandad John.
Ossie's auntie Donna, Sarah and Nicky are always helping at our events along with other lovely people that Ossie has as his fans.
While Ossie's parents Karly & Lee where busy caring for Ossie and his siblings Taylar, Shae & Kortney throughout Ossie's treatment all the committee members worked hard with their support to raise funds.
Although we didn’t raise enough to send Ossie to America for life saving treatment, we did certainly give Ossie some great experiences in the last 14 months of his life.
Not only did Ossie have some great fun days with the charity events but also with charities like Rays of Sunshine, Spread a Smile and also the whole family were sent to Disneyland Paris.
Our aim since Ossie died has been to create similar experiences for other children that are suffering like Ossie was. We raised funds for Spread a Smile in August 2022 with Ossie’s Boys football tournament.
Our current project is to raise funds to create a garden in Ossie's name at Watford General Hospital. This is a 5-year project, and I am delighted to say we are on target for 2024.
Picture left is Godparents Nikki (left) and Sara (right) with Ossie wearing the first batch of Ossie Boys Fund T Shirts in January 2016.
See below some most recent pictures of our committee with now Taylar (Ossie's sister) as the Chairperson of the charity.
Our Ossie Boy Tournament in August 2024
From right side top is Karly (Ossie's Mum), next in white is his sister Taylar the Chairperson of this Charity, Ossie's Dad Lee is at the top of the photo with Kortney Ossie's sister below and Auntie Donna on the left of the photo.
Taylar, Kortney, Donna and friends at our rewind to the 90s event in September 2024
To learn more about what we do, or if you want to get involved, please reach out.